Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Disney Lantern Corps

From Left to right:
Red Lantern Stitch-Based off his initial behavior
Orange Lantern Ariel-She's a horder, and incredibly selfish within the context of her own movie
Yellow Lantern Jack Skellington-He likes to inspire fear
Green Lantern Mulan-Most Disney characters fall under Will, so I just picked Mulan and gave her a Jedi ish outfit
Blue Lantern Beast-He has a lot of hope. And don't ask for what smartass
Indigo Lantern Aladdin - he's very compassionate, even more so in the series, so he fits
Star Sapphire Jessica Rabbit-She has great love for her husband
Black Lantern Flynn/Eugene Ryder-Fitzherbert-He died and came back to life, it's a no brainer
and White Lantern Rapunzel-She brought Flynn back to life, also DUH

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Kryptonite Factor

            Bear with me as I start preaching my random psycho babble, but in light of the downfall of a new comics line(the founder of which I had worked with on the creation of one of his superheroes) I feel like pointing out exactly why this thing tanked. I hate to be the one who said "I told you so", but when you turn around and say "You're just the artist, all I want you to do is draw it, let me figure out the details", you are just begging for karma to bite you in your over inflated buttock.
           First things first, just because I'm an artist doesn't mean my area of expertise lies solely within that realm. It just means that as a career choice, I have decided to pursue art instead of writing, cooking, or even advertising. THIS IS A MISTAKE A LOT.OF PEOPLE.MAKE.
           Now that that's out of the way, on to the major problem I pointed out when I was given the outline. Other than the fact that the character's backstory and overall plot arch sucked. A cardinal rule of character development was broken.
           It is a very simple rule in creating super powered protagonists. Pay very close attention because this is kind of important.


           Why is it so hard to follow this rule? Name 5 characters that have broken the rule and have been successful (by successful I mean well received, not giant moneymakers. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE).

              Tick-tock, Tick-tock…DING! Got any? 'Cause I got two, Superman and Doc Manhattan. There are more, but I feel that these are the one's that stand out above the rest.
           Now let's see Superman. He started as a flying brick, unbeatable and just a tad bit dickish (if certain covers are to be believed), then writers realized something veryyyy important. People were getting bored with his stories. They were becoming too predictable. Conflict drives the plot of any and every story, but if Superman couldn't be beaten then what was the point? Now it's obvious to see where this is going. The writers had to create a weakness for him, and so came a plot device so notorious that it has been deeply ingrained in comic book history.

 It’s Lois Lane.
           As much as everyone would probably like to "correct" me about that previous statement. Lois is Superman's greatest weakness, NOT the shiny green rock with a level of scarcity on par with that the Blue Boy Scout's race. Look back on most Superman stories(Sans silver age ), notice how stories involving Lois tend to invoke more out of him than when generic mook #46 waves a piece of Kryptonite at him? You're not just getting outer conflict, you're also getting inner conflict. You have something that could provide you dozens of stories that could derive from that moment. And People Have
Superman PUNCH! Pictures, Images and Photos
Need I remind you...
            Now as for Doc Manhattan, he has to be one of the most powerful characters in comics. He actually doesn’t have any known weakness. As a matter of fact, that whole Mars subplot exists solely to keep him away from Earth, because otherwise the problem could be solved in 2 seconds flat. However, Manhattan is successful because he is written well. Also he is written this way on purpose. Moore wrote him for the sake of the story, not cause it’s cool.
at least not a 100% anyway...
            Heroes NEED weakness. I know its “lame and not cool”, but if that’s the case then how do you explain this guy:

                 Batman is without a doubt one of the coolest non-superpowered heroes EVER. He is also incredibly weak to disease, lead poisoning, alcohol poisoning, regular poisoning, bludgeoning, flaying, magic, spearing, stabbing, frying, irritable bowel syndrome, trepanning, massive blood loss…

…and hugs
            Weaknesses allow for conflict and tension, the basics that ANY good story is built on. The fact that a character has a weakness, but overcomes it in clever and creative ways IS WHAT MAKES THEM COOL. Compare Superman punching Batman:

 To Batman punching Superman:
How come when Batman does it, it's more exciting and satisfying? Because sooooooooooooooooooo many things could have gone wrong here. He could of broken his bones(which he did), or he could have missed his target completely, allowing Supes to TOTALLY ANNIHILATE HIM BY CRUSHING HIS SKULL WITH HIS PINKY. But no, Batman considered the possibility, braced himself, and knocked Big Boy Blue OUT.

                 When Superman does that however, its dull. Superman can punch Batman into Canada, so seeing him holding back just feels a little cheap.The minute a fight starts between Supes and anyone who isn't at his level of strength, everyone just relaxes and thinks "How long is this going to take?". When Batman is up against anybody, you never know what to expect. There's a million different ways Batman overcomes his own flaws in order to accomplish his goals. But with Superman it's all about finding the right guy and introducing him to his fist. Repeatedly.
             I mean what's the point of a story when you can just end it right then and there?This is where the first mistake was made. Not  because people are discriminating, not because people are stupid, and not because it wasn't given a chance. It was primarily because it was a shitty,boring, invincible character that no one could relate to, much less care about.
            Instead of griping about how unfair the industry is, take the damn criticism and use it to improve.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

In the Black for the Last Time

Found Here.

Last time. No more after this. If you want Helga, or Nakoma, or some other obscure Disney girl, I will take commissions. If you're asking where Snow White, Wendy, or Alice are, I'm not even considering them for this, because they are all under 16(Snow is 14, According to Walt himself). If you want them however, I will take a commission for them too, but I'm going to have them up a bit.

And before you say stuff like, Belle or Charlotte are 16, stop and do the damn research. Most of the girls weren't given an age, you just kinda have to gauge it. Ariel and Aurora were put at 16(Though I don't care what Walt says, Aurora is 20 with a figure like that), but those are the only girls that I can think of that were given ages. The rest are vague(So that the audience can project and whatnot)

Anyway from left to right, is Belle, Demona, Kida, Maid Marian, and Charlotte Lebouf. I made Maid Marian human and gave her short red hair, cause we don't have enough Disney girls with short hair. Also I made her outfit reminiscent of her movie outfit. She was pretty easy all things considered.

Charlotte on the other hand was the hardest one to do because she's so over the top, it's hard to give her something mature and simple. So in the end I settled for a big ol' bow in the middle of it all. 

..By the Way does Charlotte resemble Marylin Monroe to you guys?. Especially when she puts on that fake beauty mark???

NOTE: Please refrain from asking where Demona's crown is. It looked kinda tacky when it was up there and to be honest I never really liked it anyway. Also don't ask where her eyebrows are, because Gargoyles don't have any. They have brow ridges, but no actual brows. As for her ridges, I don't recall if she had horns or not. I know there was one episode where she took the tiara off, but I can't find it. This is as far as I remember from the show, so there ya go.

PS: Don't ask how Demona puts on the dress

Saturday, June 18, 2011

In the Black Yet Again

Found at my Deviantart

Anyway, little notes here, I always thought Aurora was the tallest of all the girls, so there she is. As for Rapunzel, she's the shortest(and no, NOT Tinkerbell, smartass).

As for Cindy, since I know someone is going to come up here complaining about it, she is a strawberry blonde. They can change the merchandise all they want, she's a strawberry blonde. AND HER DRESS IS SILVER, NOT BLUE. Which is why I gave her silver nail polish and a sligthly grayish tint. (There's some blue in there but only because her panel looked off compared to the others.)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In the Black Series

This is part of my In the Black series. I took some of my favorite Disney heroines (be they princess or pauper) and drew them in little black dresses. I figure they are always drawn looking "princess-y " in pink and a metric ton of glitter, so I gave them some classy(NOTE: definition varies depending on one's hemline preference) black dresses.
From left to right its Pocahontas, Jane Porter, Giselle, Mulan and Esmeralda. Followed by Megara, Ariel, Jasmine, Tiana, and the Spring Sprite from Fantasia 2000.

Me on Deviantart
